Florida’s Community Milk Bank
Mothers’ Milk Bank of Florida’s mission is to provide safe human donor milk for babies in need.
HMBANA Statement on Donor Remuneration
The Mothers’ Milk Bank of Floria is grateful to our donors who choose to give their milk altruistically so that medically fragile babies have a fighting chance to grow and thrive! Milk donors are the superheroes who make nonprofit milk banking possible.
Human milk makes a huge difference in how well premature babies do after birth because it vastly reduces the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a disease that attacks the intestinal tract. It helps to repair the intestines should they become infected. And it provides ideal nutrition.
Donor milk is a lifesaver!
There many ways you can help us accomplish our mission.
Donate Milk
Of course if you are a recent mother and have excess milk, you can donate and save many young lives.
If you cannot donate milk you can donate money, time, or exposure.
Please get involved today!
Save lives via a monetary donation.
Save lives. Volunteer with MMBFL.
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